Yogiraj Shri Shankar Maharaj was undoubtedly one of the greatest saints of Maharashtra in the modern age. He was an Auliya or Avadhut, a term used for yogis who have reached perfection and have achieved Siddhis (occult powers). He belonged to the Nath Panth (Sect), though he did not follow its their dress or mannerisms. He took samadhi in Pune at the age of about 150 years on April 28th 1947, an event which he had postponed for seventeen years at the request of his disciple Dr Nagesh Dhaneshwar. His Samadhi Mandir which houses his physical body is in Pune on the Pune-Satara road about 10 Km from Pune Railway station. Hundreds of devotees visit the Mandir every day to pay their respects and receive blessings. It is strongly believed and experienced by his devotees that even though Maharaj is no longer in his physical body, he still looks after the welfare of his devotees. There are many instances reported by his devotees and disciples of his having appeared before them either in his own form or through the bodies of others in the time of crisis.
Yogiraj Shri Shankar Maharaj adalah pasti salah satu daripada orang-orang kudus terbesar Maharashtra di zaman moden. Beliau adalah seorang Auliya atau Avadhut, istilah yang digunakan untuk Yogi yang telah mencapai kesempurnaan dan telah mencapai Siddhis (kuasa ghaib). Beliau digolongkan dalam 'Nath Panth (Bah), walaupun dia tidak mengikuti mereka pakaian atau mannerisms mereka. Beliau mengambil samadhi dalam Pune pada usia kira-kira 150 tahun pada 28 April 1947, satu peristiwa yang dia telah ditangguhkan selama tujuh belas tahun atas permintaan pengikut beliau Dr Nagesh Dhaneshwar. Beliau Samadhi Mandir yang menempatkan tubuh jasmani Kristus di Pune di jalan raya Pune-Satara kira-kira 10 Km dari stesen Pune Railway. Beratus-ratus penganut melawat Mandir setiap hari untuk memberi penghormatan dan kepada kebaikan. Ia adalah sangat dipercayai dan dialami oleh pengikutnya bahawa walaupun Maharaj tidak lagi dalam badan fizikalnya, dia masih menjaga kebajikan pengikutnya. Terdapat banyak contoh yang dilaporkan oleh penganut dan pengikut beliau beliau telah muncul di hadapan mereka sama ada dalam bentuk sendiri atau melalui badan-badan orang lain dalam masa krisis.